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Ways to find calm during the holiday season - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


Ways to find calm during the holiday season

December 20th, 2021

While the holidays can be full of cheer, they can be stressful. Here are some quick tips to help you have some emotional balance during this busy season.

Deep breathing: A big part of meditation is focusing on your breath. It’s that simple. A way to provide some instant relief is to practice some slow and deep breathing. Guided meditations make it easier to let go and be in the moment.

Quiet time: Sometimes the best kind of music is peace and quiet. Especially since Christmas carols are played is almost every store right now, on every radio station, etc. Take 10 minutes and just enjoy the beauty of quiet. Don’t just take our word for it. Trust the Cleveland Clinic.

Light stretching: Stretching helps get our blood circulating and makes our muscles feel better. It’s a tried and true stress reliever. Always check with your health practitioner before embarking upon a new health routine.

The good old nap. A 20-minute nap can do wonders to help push the restart button inside us. It’s not just for kids. Everyone can benefit from taking a break, resting, and enjoying a bit of rejuvenating napping.