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Vitamins 101: An easy guide - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


Vitamins 101: An easy guide

August 4th, 2020

The body needs certain nutrients. Taking vitamins is an easy way to be good to your body and overall health and wellbeing. Let’s talk about some of them now. Vitamin D is said to help augment depression. You can get it for free by taking a walk outside on a sunny day. The body uses sunlight to make vitamin D naturally within us. Vitamin C helps your immune system when you’ve got a cold. Natural sources of vitamin C include orange juice, strawberries, and broccoli. Vitamin E is an antioxidant so it helps neutralize unstable molecules inside our bodies that can damage our cells. Vegetable oil is a natural source of Vitamin E. Vitamin B-12 is very, very important especially if you are on a vegan or vegetarian diet. It helps to lower the risk of heart disease and assist in making new cells. It’s naturally found in meat, fish, eggs, and cheese. Always check with your doctor to make sure before taking vitamins to make sure they are proper for you and your medical needs. WebMD has a super convenient, online guide to give you more information about vitamins and supplements. Here’s to good health!