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Tips for being the best babysitter for your grandkids - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


Tips for being the best babysitter for your grandkids

May 14th, 2022

happy grandpa with grandkids noho senior arts colony
happy grandpa with grandkids noho senior arts colony

One of the best parts of being a grandparent is spending time with your grandkids. It’s quality time to create new memories and have fun. When you are the babysitter or caregiver for your grandkids, it’s important to check with your kids what are the rules. That way everyone has a clear understanding of what to expect. Parenting styles vary from generation to generation and it’s better to know than not now to avoid conflict. One of the grandkids might have a food allergy to be cognizant of. Speaking of food, find out how to make the grandkid’s favorite foods. They’ll love it! Also, make sure to be mindful of sweets and non-nutritious foods. Make sure to have some ideas ahead of time for games, crafts, reading, and light physical exercise that you can all do together. Keep them simple. Here are some more tips and tricks to consider when babysitting. Our spacious residences at NoHo Senior Arts Colony have plenty of room to have company over for a visit including those awesome grandkids of yours!