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The Pickleball Phenomenon - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


The Pickleball Phenomenon

December 12th, 2022

seniors getting ready to play pickleball noho senior arts colony

Across the nation, a new recreational sport has entered the scene and is becoming a favorite for all ages and skill levels. At NoHo Senior Arts Colony, we love staying active and trying new things, so this sounds like a blast! Pickleball leagues are forming everywhere. You may be asking, what exactly is pickleball? It is a combination of paddle ball, badminton, ping pong, and tennis played on a smaller court indoors or outdoors with paddles and a whiffle ball. It’s played in doubles or singles matches and looks like a lot of fun. Learn more about the history of the game. Looking to join in? The Los Angeles area conveniently has pickleball courts through the parks department.