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Pampering products for sore muscles - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


Pampering products for sore muscles

May 30th, 2021

Whether you’ve strained yourself on a walk, reaching for something, or working out, your muscles can get sore. Here are some tips to help them feel better. Always check with your preferred medical professional to see if these tips are right for you.

Epsom salt baths are tried and true! They’ve helped people forever. And they are simple. They help soothe and loosen achy muscles. Plus, it’s a nice way to give yourself some pampering and tranquility. A warm bath is great anytime.

Foam rollers are a fast and easy way to help ease muscle soreness. They come in different sizes, designs, and thicknesses. Some are smoother and some are intentionally “bumpy” to help get to those stubborn muscles and provide relief.

Handheld massagers are another way to release the tension from your muscles. They also help to improve circulation and stimulate the nervous system. Gadgets have really come a long way to help us stay happier and healthier.

The best tip: Remember to take it easy and rest if you are feeling sore. This is not the time to push yourself. Always check with your doctor to determine specific options to help your muscles feel happier.