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Easy ways to stay cooler in the summer - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


Easy ways to stay cooler in the summer

July 7th, 2021

We finally made it to summer. And summer brings heat. It’s important to take extra care of yourself during these warmer months. Besides enjoying a dip in our resort-inspired swimming pool, here are some easy ways to stay cooler and more comfortable this summer. Take plenty of cool showers or relaxing baths. One in the morning and one before you go to bed will do wonders. Speaking of water, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Another good tip is to take your walks very early in the morning instead of later in the day. Take a small spray bottle full of water with you to mist your face to stay refreshed and cooler. Make sure to wear lighter clothes such as shorts. You also might consider eating lighter meals during the summer. That way you’ll keep your energy up. Be sure to check with your trusted medical professional regarding additional ways to stay cooler and have a wonderful summer.