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Miles Davis was also a painter - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


Miles Davis was also a painter

August 14th, 2014

painter noho senior arts colony aug 14 2014

We all know jazz legend Miles Davis for his incredible portfolio of music. But did you know he was also an artist? Although his art would adorn one of his record releases from time to time, Miles Davis didn’t begin to draw and paint in earnest until he was in his mid-fifties, during the early 1980s and a period of musical inactivity. Miles being Miles, he didn’t merely dabble, but made creating art as much a part of his life as making music in his final decade. He was said to have worked obsessively each day on art when he wasn’t touring and he studied regularly with New York painter Jo Gelbard. His style was a sharp, bold and masculine mixture of Kandinsky, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Picasso and African tribal art. I also find his work puts me in mind of the output of painter Phil Frost. So if you’re thinking about exploring different mediums in your creativity, you’re in great company!

 CLICK HERE to see some of his paintings.