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It’s easy to show thankfulness - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


It’s easy to show thankfulness

November 18th, 2014

It’s that time of year when everyone needs more compassion, especially the less fortune in North Hollywood. Established in 1983, North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry (NHIFP) is a 100% volunteer coalition of diverse religious institutions working together to address the problem of hunger in the community. Food is collected by congregations, individuals, schools and community organizations. Some free or low cost food is obtained from the LA Regional Food Bank in conjunction with Valley Interfaith Council. They welcome all clients and volunteers. Each bag that The Pantry distributes ideally contains a starch, protein, vegetable, fruit and snack from the following food item list:

Peanut Butter
Canned Vegetable
Canned Fruit
Baby Foods
Powdered Milk Type Products
Brown paper bags

CLICK HERE for more info and learn how to make a difference.