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The joy of getting organized - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


The joy of getting organized

August 2nd, 2020

Have too much stuff? Finding it hard to find things? It’s a very common situation. Getting organized and decluttering will help you feel better. Marie Kondo’s Spark Joy has been a popular movement for a while. Basically, it helps you narrow down what stuff you absolutely love and determine what you don’t need or have too much of. For example, look at all your kitchen utensils. Do you have 10 spatulas? That’s way too many. How many do you really and truly need? Here’s another example. When you look at an item, let’s say a shirt. Does it spark joy in you or just a meh response? If it’s meh, it needs to go. The idea is to surround yourself with joy in everything in your home and maintain an uncluttered and peaceful environment in which to live. Another principle of this getting organized movement is to have a “home” for everything ie “a place for everything and everything in its place.” So simple containers are an easy solution. Learn more about Spark Joy now.